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Welcome to The Dad Bod Reviews.
When I was a kid, I didn’t have anyone to teach me things like what to wear, with what, and when, and why. I used to be a jeans and graphic t-shirt kind of guy. There isn’t anything wrong with that, but when people see that, they make their first impressions. I wore uniforms while I was in the Navy but outside of that, it was jeans or shorts, and a t-shirt. After getting out of the Navy, I eventually started working for a business to business sales job. I hated the work, I felt intrusive. But I loved the attire. Wearing suits everyday gave me a confidence boost and a sense of self worth that had been missing since my discharge from the Armed Forces.  Eventually I was working for a State Agency and still looking dapper. Then I moved to another company where jeans and a polo was the normal everyday attire. It had been years since my suits made it out of the closet. I didn’t realize it but my attire was holding me back from moving up in the company and it was having an effect on my self esteem.
I had a meeting which involved folks from the corporate office and I pulled out the suits to wear. It didn’t fit as well as it used to so I had to go and get a new suit. That’s when I started seeing how difficult it is these days to dress better. What you see isn’t always what you get, and what you get may not always be what you need. I spent a few years researching men’s style to get a firm grasp of it all. 
Eventually, I moved to a new department at work which had me working remotely. And then the pandemic hit which meant I had nowhere to go in my free time.  My wife suggested I make a channel to help teach people all that I learned. And to make honest reviews of products to help people avoid wasting money on things they need. Suits to help land that first job out of college, or to get a promotion at work. Suits and shoes for a wedding. Clothing for going to a party or family gathering. How to get proper fitting clothes. Over time, I had people ask me if I could make a blog out of the reviews because not everyone likes watching videos on YouTube. So here it is. 

One thing to keep in mind; I am in no way an expert at writing or grammar. I took a few English Composition courses in my time in college but my major was in Information Technology. Throughout the articles on this site, you will most likely find some grammatical issues. The blogs may not have the angelic flow of a professionally written blog. I apologize in advance for that. I hope that the valuable information written within the articles can help you look past that.